Risk control
A proactive approach to safety
When it comes to assessing and mitigating risk, our focus is to safeguard businesses, employees, and properties with sophisticated strategies and a tailored approach. We can help keep your business, employees, and properties safer with risk control programs and resources that speak to your unique challenges.
- Industry-specific expertise and resources that align to your safety and risk management objectives
- Access to risk control professionals to research questions and provide solutions
Online, on the phone, or onsite, get the answers you need.
Our On-Demand program allows you to select only the services, products, and programs that meet your needs. On-Demand includes access to online resources through Liberty Mutual SafetyNet™, virtual consultations via the Risk Control Consulting Center, and small-scale service offerings.
In addition to access to the resources above, policyholders can collaborate with Risk Control specialists to design a unique service strategy tailored to their business. Through fact finding and systems analysis, we will work with you to create integrated solutions and measure respective business impacts. This option is designed for customers who desire to take their program to the next level, achieve high-impact business results, and reduce total cost of risk.
Related insights
Our risk control services are advisory only. We assume no responsibility for: managing or controlling customer safety activities, implementing any recommended corrective measures, or identifying all potential hazards. No attempt has been made to interpret any referenced codes, standards, or regulations. Please refer to the appropriate government authority for interpretation or clarification.
This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all states or jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.
Coverage and insurance are provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company or its affiliates or subsidiaries. When we offer insurance products, we will state clearly which insurer will underwrite the policy. Some policies may be placed with a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers generally do not participate in state guaranty funds and coverage may only be obtained through duly licensed surplus lines brokers.