Bermuda general property

General Property insurance

Our General Property team provides all-risks property coverage, including direct physical loss or damage, time element, windstorm, earthquake, and flood. We look to develop relationships with clients that are risk management-focused, have a long-term approach to buying insurance, and are looking for protection against catastrophic loss.

Liberty Mutual Bermuda offers specialty insurance and reinsurance products, including those of third-party capital providers, via our licensed insurance agency, Liberty Specialty Markets Agency (LSMA).

Product information

Capital deployment strategy

We consider clients worldwide, with distribution through our Bermuda, London, and international-based brokers.

Our strategy focuses underwriter effort on:

  • Shared and layered programs
  • Primary and low excess/buffer layers
  • Excess of a significant retention or attachment point that eliminates claims frequency

Target markets

  • Occupancies: broad appetite and very diversified portfolio. The only prohibited occupancies are firearms manufacturing, tobacco, and primary framed habitational.
  • Maximum policy length: 18 months
  • Distribution: Bermuda will be the preferred access point for Shared and Layered business with the following qualifications:
    • Accounts with greater than $10B in total insured value
    • Accounts with international exposure defined as greater than $500M in non-US exposure OR greater than 10% non-US exposure as part of the broader property schedule
  • Accounts, regardless of TIV or International exposure, that fall into the following industry segments:
    • Energy
    • Heavy Industry (aluminum, steel, pulp and paper, pyrotechnics, defense contractors, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and semi-conductors)
    • Rail
    • Gaming
  • Liberty Mutual E&S Property (US Retail) or Ironshore Property (US Wholesale) will continue to be the market for accounts that do not fit the parameters above.


  • $15M maximum capacity
  • $75K minimum premium
  • 10% maximum share of layer

Other line size restrictions as follows:

  • $5M within the first $100M of purchased limits
  • $10M maximum critical catastrophe exposure
  • U.S.-domiciled business written on an independently procured basis
  • International exposures are subject to sanctions limitations (LMA3100).

Get in touch

Frankie Markham

Head of Bermuda Property

Liberty Mutual Bermuda is the marketing name for Liberty Specialty Markets Agency Limited (“LSMA”) and Liberty Specialty Markets Bermuda Limited (“LSMB”).

LSMA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 42966.  LSMA is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as an insurance agent to underwrite risks for and on behalf of LSMB and other insurance providers.  LSMA’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.

LSMB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ironshore Inc. and is registered in Bermuda with company number 39024.  LSMB is licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority as a Class 4 insurer, approved to write both insurance and reinsurance. LSMB’s registered office is located at 141 Front Street, Hamilton, HM 19, Bermuda.

This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.

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