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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) resources for healthcare facilities

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) resources for healthcare facilities

The safety of our communities is of top concern to us and we want to make sure you have the right resources to manage through a time of uncertainty in light of COVID-19 activity. Hospitals, long-term care, and medical facilities can be a source of support and risk at times like these, with healthcare facilities and professionals on the front line.  All of the time, but especially at moments like this, we can’t thank you enough for the important work you do.

Here we have consolidated resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help you plan and respond:

General healthcare guidance


Long-term care

  • Guidance for infection control in nursing homes (CMS)(CDC)

Home health

We hope you find this information useful. We also encourage you to follow guidance from state and local health authorities as the situation evolves.

This website is general in nature, and is provided as a courtesy to you. Information is accurate to the best of Liberty Mutual’s knowledge, but companies and individuals should not rely on it to prevent and mitigate all risks as an explanation of coverage or benefits under an insurance policy. Consult your professional advisor regarding your particular facts and circumstance. By citing external authorities or linking to other websites, Liberty Mutual is not endorsing them.

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