Industrial hygiene lab 

Understanding your working environment

One of the key elements of workplace safety is analyzing your working environment. Our industrial hygiene lab offers more than 40 years of accredited lab services and we participate in proficiency testing programs and maintain proficient status for solvents, solvents in diffusive monitors, silica, metals, compressed gas (Grade D air) and more.

More than 40 years of accredited services 

Who we are

Our industrial hygiene laboratory is ISO 17025-accredited by American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs (AIHA LAP, LLC) for a number of scientific testing programs, including:

  • Gas chromatography
  • Compressed/breathing air testing
  • Pharmaceutical testing, and more. 

What we offer

By working with our industrial hygiene lab, you can expect: 

  • Quick turnaround times 
  • Cost-effective program options  
  • Quality control and assurance 

Our industrial hygiene laboratory offers a cost-effective way for you to monitor your workplace environment while ensuring quality control and assurance of analytical results.

Get in touch

Consultation and technical support are available Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET. 

Related insights

Our risk control services are advisory only. We assume no responsibility for: managing or controlling customer safety activities, implementing any recommended corrective measures, or identifying all potential hazards. No attempt has been made to interpret any referenced codes, standards, or regulations. Please refer to the appropriate government authority for interpretation or clarification.

This website is intended to be informational. Descriptions are provided only as a summary outline of the products and services available and are not intended to be comprehensive and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation. The products and services described may not be available in all states or jurisdictions. See your policy, service contract, or program documentation for actual terms, conditions, and exclusions. Any inquiries regarding the subject matter set forth herein should be directed through licensed insurance professionals.

Coverage and insurance are provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company or its affiliates or subsidiaries. When we offer insurance products, we will state clearly which insurer will underwrite the policy. Some policies may be placed with a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers generally do not participate in state guaranty funds and coverage may only be obtained through duly licensed surplus lines brokers.

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